Venus goa



Venus is one of the few manufacturers providing full range of solutions required in the Leather Industry. The below BEAM HOUSE Leather Chemicals are offered:

  • Venpreserve
      Bactericide for short term preservation of fresh hides and skins during soaking Appearance: Greenish yellow clear liquid, pH: 10 ±1, Specific gravity: 1.16-1.19 Active Ingredient: Sodium salt of dimethyl dithio carbamate, % Active content: Min. 40 %, Solubility in water: Freely soluble It is compatible with all soaking and unhairing agents.It is rapidly absorbed by the hide surface.It has low odour and low toxicity. Fresh Hide preservation : Hide should be washed to remove dirt, dung & blood priorto application of Venpreserve.100% water 0.3% Ven preserve (on fresh hide weight)Preservation for 3 days can be achieved by running for 1 hour followed by runningfor 1 minute every 2 hrs.(For longer preservation, 0.1% Venpreserve should be added for each day, i.e., for preservation for 5 days - 0.5% Venpreserve should be used at the beginning.)Maximum preservation of 7 days is possible using Venpreserve.The hides can also be sprayed with 8-10 gpl of Venpreserve soln, in water.For bovine hides, 1-2 liters of this soln, of Venpreserve is required to be sprayed.For Soaking : 0.05 - 0.1% Venpreserve is required for short soak of 4 - 6 hrs. (qty. based on fresh hide weight)0.1-0.2% Venpreserve is required for overnight soak. For dried stock the dosage of Venpreserve would be higher. Product is stable for 6 months if stored in dry & cool place in closed container under normal conditions.
  • Vensoak C
      Com pact Soaking Agent for enhanced effect. Appearance: Off-white powder pH:ll±l Being a multifunctional product for soaking system, it helps maintain uniformity of soaking from lotto lot.It has self pH regulating properties, it maintains bath pH between 9.0 - 9.5 throughout the soaking process to yield even soaking effect. Its use leads to stabilization of belly and flanks to mechanical actions in soaking and liming, resulting in fuller and tighter shanks and bellies, without affecting skin fibers.With its use in soaking, process is easy to monitor and control due to the unique self pH regulating property of the product. It is used in main soaking process (after presoaking i.e., dirt, dung, blood, salt fully removed)For cow hides 0.75 - 2.0% (based on wet salted raw wt.)For calves 0.5 -1.0% (based on wet salted raw wt.) Forgoatand sheep skins 0.5 -1.0% (based on wet salted raw wt.) Product is stable for one year from date of manufacture, if stored at ambient temperature in supplied packing.
  • Venwet A
      Amphoteric emulsifying cum dispersing agent Appearance: Reddish yellow to yellowish brown, viscous, pourable liquid, pH(10%soln.):8±0.5, Solid content: 50 ±2% Dilutability: Dilutable with hot water in any proportion. Constant stirring is required while mixing with hot water. Stability: Stable to acid, alkali, salt, hard water and chrome. It disperses natural fats and facilitates even distribution of chrome and fats through entire cross section of leather.It increases softness of leather and promotes level dyeing.When used in semi chrome tannage, it helps to avoid drawn grain. It can be used in the pickle or chrome tannage. In the pickling it helps in dispersing natural fats and accelerates pickling process. In chrome tannage it helps in dispersion of chrome tanningsalts. Dosage: 0.5-1% on shaved weight.It can be used together with retanning agents or fatliquors in any preliminary fatliquoring process. Dosage: 0.5-1% on shaved weight.It is used in main fatliquoring process to stabilize fatliquor mixtures. The use of this product offers improvement in penetration and uniform distribution of fatliquor.Dosage :l-5% on amount of fatliquor. It helps in accelerating uniform wetting back of leather and produces levelling effect on the subsequent dyeing. It's best use is in semichrome tannage to disperse the natural fats applied during vegetable tannage. It thereby prevents the formation of chrome soap. It also helps in producingfinegrain and minimizes drawn grain effect.Dosage: 1 -5% on dry weight ofE.I. leather. Product is stable for 6 months from date of manufacture, if stored at ambient temperature in supplied packing.
  • Product GIP 7425
      Highly efficient detergent, washing and wetting agent for use in soaking, batingand wetting back process. Appearance: Clear, colourless liquid Chemical Character: Non-ionic, modified polyglycol ether.Dilutability: Freely dilutable with Water.Solid content: 25 ± 1% Stable to: Acid (good in weak Acids) alkali, hard water & salt.pH (10% soln.): 7.5 ± 0.5 It is an excellent fat stabilizing cum wet-blue cleaning agent. It has powerful dispersing effect on the scud and natural fats.When used in main fatliquoring, it improves dispersion of fat very effectively. Also the undesirable precipitation of fatliquor is avoided by its usage. This leads to improvement in overall softness.It also improves tensile strength of leather when used in pickling before addition of acid.Its usage improves the wetting back of dried wet-blue considerably.It speeds up the soaking process with an appreciable increase in cleanliness of the skins.Its usage does not impairthe action of enzyme bates. It can be used in various stages of processing like soaking, liming, pickling, degreasing, wetting backand fatliquoring. In soakingand liming: 0.5 - 3% (on wet sa Ited raw wt.)In the bate: 0.2-2% (on peltwt.)Wetting back: 0.5 -1.0% for wetting back of shaved wet-blue hides & skins. 1.0-3.0% for dried wet-blue (on dried wt.) Minimum 06 months if stored in dry & cool place in closed container under normal conditions.
  • Vendigris WP
      Efficient degreasing agent for use in pelt, E.I. tanned and wet blue stages Appearance: Colourless to pale yellow viscous liquid, Solubility :Dilutable with water. Solutions above lOOg per liter are slightly turbid.Ionic Character: Crypto-anionic, based on fatty alcohol polyglycolic ether Stable to: Acid (good in weak Acids) alkali, hard water & salt. pH (10% soln.): 7.5 ± 0.5 Solid Content: min. 33% It is specially suitable for degreasing sheep skins (removes unwanted fat from hides and skins)It can disperse chrome soaps and degrease wet blue skins to get level dyeing for aniline leathers, make nubuck, split suede, full grain leather without dye patches. It helps in minimizing back bone patches in suede dyeings. Pelt after bating to be dry milled with 3-4% of this product diluted with 5-10% water, for an hour. To be washed once or twice with luke warm water in fleshing machine and then to betaken up for pickling as usual. For degreasing of pickled sheep skins, to be dry milled as below, Waterat35°C : 10% (on pickled wt.)Salt : 1.5% (on pickled wt.)VendigrisWP : 4.5% (on pickled wt.)After dry milling for 1 hour, wash the skins once or twice in fleshing machine with lukewarm 5% brine solution and take forfurther processing. For degreasing of wet blue skins, shaved skins are drummed for 1 hour as below,Waterat35°C : 35-50% (on shaved wt.) VendigrisWP : 4-5% (on shaved wt.)Skins are then washed with 300% water at 60°C for 20 minutes and taken for further process.For minimizing back bone patches in suede dyeing, the crust is wetted back as below.Water at 60°C : 300% (on dry wt.)VendigrisWP : 3-4% (on dry wt.)Ammonia : 2%{ondrywt.)After 2 hours of drumming when the leathers are properly wet, drain the float, wash with 500% water at 60°Cfor 15 minutes and take for dyeing. Product is stable for one year from date of manufacture, if stored at ambient temperature in supplied packing.
  • Vendigris EWP
      High performance eco-friendly degreasing, soaking, liming and deliming agent. Very effective degreasing agent for all types of leathers & fur skins. Universal in application as can be used in all stages of leather and fur processing. Fatty Alcohol Alkoxylate Appearance: Colourless, clear to slightly hazy liquid % Active content: Ca. 100 Solubility: Miscible with water in all proportions pH of 10% solution: Ca. 7 Ionic Nature: Non-ionic Free of APEO and free of solvent. Best degreasing and good soaking effect throughout butt and flank area Low foaming Offers uniform and bright dyeing performance Its performance is unaffected by pH. It shows high emulsion stability at any pH Low viscosity Extremely low dosage required Facilitates waterproofing Readily biodegradable & very much eco-friendly due to its low dosage Its special areas of application are: ( % based on skin & hides condition )♦ Degreasing.♦ Soaking & liming♦ Wetting back ♦ Washingof fur skins. Product is stable for one year from date of manufacture, if stored at ambient temperature in supplied packing.
      Liming agent for use in the unhairing stage Appearance: Colourless to yellowish liquid Density @ 25°C: 1.02 -1.06 g/cc, pH:ll±l(Drop in pH is normal over prolonged storage. However this will not affect product performance in any which way) It accelerates dissolution of lime and therefore penetration is improved. Swelling and plumping is more uniform and there is no growth mark on hides.Its usage minimizes wrinkle development in the pelt which helps in achieving flat grain. Due to flat grain pelt yield area increases. It is used in the beginning and also used partially at the end of liming process. Initially after adding it, run for 30-40 minutes followed by addition of sulfide and lime system.For bovine hides: 1-2% is recommended For Calfskins (direct liming): 0.75% -1.75% in the beginning and 0.25% at the end For Skins : 1-1.5% for direct liming, : 0.5-1% inthe paste for paint method, : 0.5-l%inthe drum. Product is stable for 6 months from date of manufacture, if stored at ambient temperature in supplied packing.
      Ammonium salts free de-liming agent Appearance: White powder, pH (1% solution): 2±1 t is free of ammonium salts and nitrogen based products. Being completely free from any nitrogenous product, it will not increase any effluent load on discharge from tannery. Very effective de-liming agent for all types of hides and skins It gives very compact pelt which facilitates production of high quality wet blue.Wet blues produced have almost no wrinkles and are fuller with tighter bellies and no shanks. De-liming with this product produces pelts with uniform and bright colours. This product is to be added after the pre-wash at the beginning of de-liming to ensure near complete de-liming for skins and splits. It can be used in both pre-de-liming and main de-liming stages. The float has to be lesser in comparison to onventional ammonium salts based products for speedier penetration of this product in to the pelts to ensure effective and complete de-liming.It can also be used in pickling to mask chrome salts for better exhaustion of chrome bath.For cow hides: 2.0-3.0% (based on un-split limed pelt wt.)1.0- 2.5% (based on limed split pelt wt.)Thorough washing before de-liming is essential. 20% of total dosage in pre-de-lime for 20-30 minutes followed by drain and addition of rest of the dosage helps achieve faster and complete de-liming.For skins and calves: Skins: 0.5-1.25% (on pelt wt.)Calves: 0.5-1.5% (on pelt wt.)In plckllng:0.5-1.0% for exhaustion of chrome intheliquorthru masking. Product is stable for one year from date of manufacture, if stored at ambient temperature in supplied packing.


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